Free Estimates

We will visit your property, assess any damage or potential damage to your property caused by trees, and provide you with a free estimate. We will also schedule a day and time to complete the work, ensuring that it is convenient for you. Our goal is to provide our customers with timely and reliable tree maintenance and tree service that exceed your expectations.

Tri-State - Tree Services Expert

William H Tree Service is a professional tree service business based in Hamilton County. We provide quality tree care services including pruning, tree removal, stump removal and dangerous tree removal, and tree planting. Our team is committed to ensuring your trees stay healthy and well-maintained. Contact us today for all your tree care needs.

Don't let this happen to you.  Get your free estimate today.

William H Tree Service can evaluate the health and safety risks of older trees on residential or commercial properties. We can use inspect the tree's trunk, branches, and foliage to identify any signs of disease, pest infestations, decay, or damage.

Based on our evaluation, We can provide professional recommendations for the maintenance or removal of the tree. If the tree is healthy and poses no immediate risks, we may suggest regular pruning, fertilizing, or other maintenance measures to keep it healthy and enhance its appearance. However, if the tree is diseased, damaged, or poses a safety risk, removal may be the only option. In such cases, We can provide a detailed plan for the removal process, including safety precautions and equipment needed. We can also suggest a suitable replacement tree, if desired.

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Avoid your tree falling on your house like this tree.

Specialized Services

Professional tree trimmer properly secured for safety per OSHA regulations.

Tree Trimming / Pruning

Tree pruning is essential for the health and safety of trees, as it promotes proper growth and removes dead or diseased branches that can cause harm. Regular pruning also helps to prevent structural issues and reduces the risk of falling branches or trees, which can cause property damage or personal injury.

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Tree Removal

Tree Removal

Our priority is safety first for all parties when we remove trees.  We will remove all branches, stumps, and other debris from the property using specialized equipment and techniques to ensure a thorough and efficient clean-up. We will then dispose of the debris responsibly, either by recycling or properly disposing of it in accordance with local regulations..

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Dangerous Tree Removal

Dangerous Tree Removal

Hiring an experienced tree trimmer is of utmost importance when dealing with dangerous trees that have either fallen or have the potential to fall on your house or building. Such trees pose a significant risk to the safety of people and property, and attempting to remove them without the proper skills and equipment can lead to accidents and further damage. An experienced tree trimmer will assess the situation and take appropriate measures to safely remove the tree without causing harm to anyone or anything. They will also have the necessary insurance and liability coverage to protect you in case of any unexpected accidents or damages. By hiring an experienced tree trimmer, you can have peace of mind knowing that the job will be done safely and efficiently.

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Commercial tree trimming

Tree Care Excellence for Business Properties

Our professional tree-trimming company specializes in servicing commercial and industrial properties with a steadfast commitment to safety, quality, and cleanliness. Our team of highly trained and insured experts utilizes the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that each job is completed to the highest standard, minimizing disruption to your operations. We prioritize the safety of our crew and your property, adhering to strict safety protocols and maintaining a clean work environment throughout the process. For your convenience, we offer free quotes, providing a transparent and detailed assessment of your tree care needs. Trust us to enhance the appearance and safety of your commercial or industrial property with our top-quality tree trimming services.

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Very large tree with a tree chipper in the driveway

Professional Tree Care, Done Right

With over a decade of experience, our professional tree care company is equipped with the latest tools and equipment to ensure every job is done right. Whether your property requires routine tree maintenance or complete removal, we have the expertise to handle it all. Our skilled team understands the unique needs of each tree, providing tailored solutions that promote the health and safety of your landscape. From trimming and pruning to safe and efficient removal, we deliver top-quality services to meet all your residential and commercial tree care needs. Trust us to keep your trees in optimal condition and your property looking its best.

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Projects near you.

Check out our project photos showcasing the top-quality tree care services we provide for homes and businesses in your area.

 Contact Us

To schedule a free estimate, please provide the information below along with the best day and time to be at the property.


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About us

As a specialized tree trimmer with a decade of experience in the Cincinnati tri-state area, our company understands the importance of providing top-notch tree services to our customers. We offer free estimates and specialize in all types of tree services, including tree replacement and dangerous tree removal. Our company is fully insured, equipped with state-of-the-art safety equipment, trucks, and trailers to ensure the safe and efficient removal of trees without any damage to structures. Safety is our top priority, and we take the time needed to complete tree maintenance or removal projects to avoid accidents and ensure the job is done right.  We look forward to helping you keep your property safe and beautiful!